Leading out of Drama®

Too many of us are plagued by unproductive meetings, difficult conversations, passive-aggressive behaviour and strained relationships. Such conflict, or drama, is a part of everyday life but there is a way to make it work positively for us.

Built on the principles of Compassionate Accountability, Leading Out of Drama® helps participants transform the energy of conflict into meaningful contribution – every day and in every interaction. Using their skills, they’ll be able to deal with conflict directly and compassionately and experience the immeasurable benefits of effective communication for difficult situations.

This course, which includes a confidential diagnostic tool for each participant, will equip them with a practical model and strategies to identify drama and react accordingly in a healthy, compassionate manner. It also includes a confidential assessment tool on the individuals’ confidence in their skills.


  • Learn to detect and decode drama
  • Respond positively to conflict in a healthy and respectful manner
  • Transform conflicts into meaningful interactions
  • Build relationships based on compassion and accountability
  • Improve morale of self and others

Who This is For

Managers and leaders in need of tools and a positive approach to dealing with conflict, difficult situations or relationships.


  • Compassionate Accountability
  • Roles and behaviors in drama
  • Good intentions, unintended consequences
  • Cultures of gossip or sabotage
  • Good vs. bad conflict
  • The Compassion Cycle: 3 rules
  • Indicators of drama
  • Compassion and personal responsibility
  • Formula and behaviors for Compassionate Conflict
  • Personal applications

Number of participants: 6 maximum

Length: : 3 x 3 hour sessions

Language: English

Delivered by one trainer